Jim Anderson, owner and CEO of RTI Cryogenics Inc., has been an international leader in the development of cryogenic tire recycling technology. The experience gained from designing, installing, managing and operating 19 cryogenic recycling plants around the world is unrivaled.
This experience has taught Jim that producing crumb rubber only, is not a long term viable business proposition. That is why he has focused on developing Value Added Solutions.
RTI Cryogenics Inc. has successfully developed three technologies that now can make Tires to Polymers a profitable and realizable business investment.
RTI provides complete turnkey plants globally that integrate two or more of these three technologies.
The first technology is cryogenic Primary tire recycling which takes a whole tire and produces as many sizes of crumb rubber as you wish, up to 30 minus mesh crumb (like a grain of salt). This is accomplished in a single step compared to ambient tire recycling, which takes many steps to produce the same volume and same mix of sizes of crumb rubber.
The second is Fine Mesh which is another cryogenic process which uses crumb rubber from 4+ mesh to 30 mesh as input and produces 60- to 80- cryo crumb rubber (like talcum powder).
The third is XyComTM TPE Blending which takes the output from the Fine Mesh and blends it with recycled post-industrial and post-consumer plastic to produce a XyComTM TPE pellet without any additives. The plastics used in our process is mostly Polypropylene (PP) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
A XyComTM TPE pellet is the only 100% recycled TPE from recycled tire rubber and recycled plastics in the world.
RTI’s profitable value added solutions are sold worldwide on a completely turnkey basis to end users and/or investors.
RTI also offers a PLANT MANAGEMENT CONTRACT to operate these plants on a best practices basis so the investor can be assured that the plant is running to maximize potential profits. We also fully train your employees in the profitable operation of your plant.